Memento Vivere

Don’t forget you have to live.

This project is part of the exploration on how digital tools can help us dematerializing ourselves and make us immortal, at least for what concerns our appearance. Fascinated with the possibility of eternalizing individuals by creating measured 3D models from real life observation, I decided to observe life in the face of death.

I interviewed three people who each told me about an accident in which they almost lost their life. Focusing on the strongest emotions from their memory of the accident, I created digital installations accessible only through VR headset. In each installation the viewer can see a 3D scanned representation of each of the three people, immersed in a symbolical representation of their story. In the physical installation three prints represent the three experiences, with a symbolical depiction of the experience and each hanging an empty photo frame, that drives ambiguity. The empty frames appear in the virtual space, driving the viewer towards them in order to enter the three different worlds.


 © 2019 ECAL / Robin Bervini
Project supervised by Lars Willumeit.
Special thanks to Marco Buetikofer for helping me develop the VR experience.

Installation view

Installation view
